Blog & Pastor Letters

The Law of God and Human Traditions

by Rev. Wilfred Yinah  |  08/29/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

The 1st reading, (vv. 1-2), insists on the absolute value, the inviolability of the law that cannot be changed because it is not the work of men, but of God. Two temptations must be avoided: that of reducing it, rejecting provisions that are more challenging and difficult, and the opposite of adding new requirements dictated by the “wisdom” of men. This second temptation is particularly insidious because it considers the “will of God” those which are only rules of men. In the face of undue addition to the law of the Lord, Jesus invites his disciples to assume a free and serene attitude.


The best time you will spend on earth!

08/26/2021  |  Adoration

Excerpt from Michael Brown’s book “Secrets of the Eucharist”

If we could see just a fraction of the graces available before the Blessed Sacrament, we would flock to the nearest chapel each and every day. When I visited churches to deliver a speech, I could often sense when that church had Adoration. I could sense it because there was a feeling of peace and unusually high Mass attendance.


Free to Choose Christ

by Rev. Wilfred Yinah  |  08/22/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

The first reading informs us about the choice made by the people of Israel at the great assembly of Shechem: they decided to choose Yahweh and to reject all idols. At Shechem Joshua exposes his proposal: choose your God. Do you want to go back and serve the gods worshiped by your ancestors? This request for verification is really amazing! It seems impossible that a people who has witnessed many miracles, can abandon the God who has fostered and protected them, indeed, who made them arise out of nowhere. Yet in all this there is nothing strange, it is our history.


Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven

by Rev. Wilfred Yinah  |  08/15/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY’S BODY INTO HEAVEN - With these few words, the Church gave its authoritative teaching to the millions who for generations had believed that Mary’s body was incorruptible but had waited for the declaration to be made by the Vatican. The doctrine of the Assumption was defined as a dogma of faith by Pope Pius XII on November 1st, 1950, in Munificentissimus Deus. While the bodies of the Apostles and martyrs could be preserved and venerated, whereas of the body of Mary, no relic should remain on earth.


The Word of Jesus Bread of Life

by Rev. Wilfred Yinah  |  08/08/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

In the first reading in 1Kgs. 19:4-8 Elijah denounces those who have abandoned Yahweh to follow Baal, the god of Jezebel. The queen is hunting him down and wants to kill him. He decides to run away, southwards, towards Mount Horeb, the mountain of God. He wants to go to where Moses met God. The feels that his faith needs to be strengthened and wants to repeat the spiritual experiences of the great liberator of Israel. The desert crossing is not easy. He feels too sad, tired, and alone that he can’t walk any further. He sits down under a tree and begs God to let him die.


Jesus the Bread of Life

by Rev. Wilfred Yinah  |  08/01/2021  |  Weekly Reflection

The central idea that links the first reading and the gospel is the food that God provides for his people. In the desert Israel received manna, a food which could give strength to a perishable body. Now, God feeds his people with the bread of life, with his Word, Jesus Christ our savior.
