Online Giving

Thank you for supporting Saint Mary Roman Catholic Parish!

myEoffering has designed a secure, web-based platform in which donors may privately and prayerfully make one-time or recurring donations. Prayerful consideration of giving to God first enables you to witness a powerful sense of stewardship. You can customize a completely individual method of giving, based on how and when you receive your income - whether it be bi-weekly, monthly, or semi-monthly. By setting up recurring donations to be automatically debited from your account, it allows the church to better plan budgets and expenditures and provides a more accurate financial forecast. It also enables you to stay on the path of your contribution goals by ensuring that even if you are unable to attend church on a particular Sunday, you needn’t worry about remembering to make that contribution the following week. With more consistent stewardship, our church is able to focus more on the ministry of God.

You’ll register an account and within minutes you will be giving your first online donation. We invite you to try electronic contributions and we hope you find it very convenient. You can use any computer or mobile device to donate electronically. Or, if you don’t have access to a computer but would still like your offerings to be deducted from your account, ask a member of the church administration for a sign up form so they can set up your offering.


Looking to simplify your weekly tithe to St. Mary Kingman? Head over to and securely set up a recurring gift within minutes, with no login or password required! You can set up payment via credit card, debit card, or ACH. We use Flocknote Fund It, which is the safest and most secure way to give to your church online.

St. Mary's Kingman is excited to offer an easier and more secure way to give to our church online. We are using Flocknote’s online giving, which allows you to give safely in fewer clicks.

The best part? You don't even need to set up a password or log in anywhere! Simply visit

You can get started in just a few minutes, and never have to worry about envelopes, stamps, or writing checks again.

It's as easy as online shopping!


Catholic Food Organization International (CAFOI) Requests for Support

The Catholic Food Organization International, CAFOI, is a registered entity recognized by extant laws governing nonprofits for the sake of providing support to the poor, the hungry, and the impoverished of society. CAFOI seeks to transcend religious, ethnic, racial, or geographic boundaries to offer help based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. In Mark 6, 37, Jesus said to his disciples, “You give them something to eat.” They asked him, “Should we go out and spend two hundred denarii to give all of them bread to eat?” Jesus replied, “Go and see who many how many loaves you have.” And after checking they said, “Five—and two fish.”

CAFOI’s motto, therefore, is, “Give Them Something to Eat” – Mark 6, 37. The idea of forming CAFOI is derived from statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO), Catholic Charities, CAFOD, St. Vincent de Paul, Catholic Relief Services, and many others. According to statistics, about 2.1 billion people out of 7.3 billion suffer due to unsafe nutrition and insufficient food. For example, in 2018, 820 million people did not have enough food. During the COVID-19 era that number is doubling. Key figures indicate that Latin America and the Caribbean have about 42.5 million of those who go to sleep hungry daily, Asia about 513.9 million, Africa, 256.1 million. Overall, over 26.4% suffer food insecurity.

CAFOI needs your support, donations, and prayers. We need funds to start and maintain a website [] at $20,000, build an app at $20,000, purchase computers at $5,000, and train first volunteers to manage and respond to local needs in our community. The phone number for CAFOI operations is 602-772-2214.

How to Donate to CAFOI

Donors can write checks in favor of CAFOI (with bank account 38-1643-0293 at PNC Bank) or via St. Mary Kingman/CAFOI or send cash to Amelia Kent directly in the office. All donations are tax deductible. Send all donations to the parish office at St. Mary Kingman.

CAFOI will collaborate with Our Daily Bread and St. Vincent de Paul to reach the poor and needy of our community before expanding to others in the world via the website.