Elementary Catechism - Spirit of Truth
Spirit of Truth - Sophia Institute
For our elementary-aged children with previous catechism attendance, we offer the Sophia Institute’s Spirit of Truth program.
From the Sophia Institute Website:
Spirit of Truth covers the breadth of the Catechism in a rich and age-appropriate way, to connect with students of diverse backgrounds and differing familiarity with the Catholic Faith.

While it’s important for students to understand the Faith, Spirit of Truth is designed to help them internalize the Faith and apply it to their own lives, providing ample opportunity for them to reflect on how everything they are learning applies to their own lived experience.
This level of the curriculum focuses on how much children are loved by Jesus Christ, and how His death and Resurrection has opened the way to Heaven. They will also learn:
- The parts of the Mass.
- Lives and lessons of the saints.
- More ways to pray.
- A special focus on the Sacraments of Confession and Eucharist.
Sealed in Fire - Sophia Institute
Sealed in Fire is a curriculum from the Sophia Institute designed especially for children preparing for their Confirmation under Restored Order. Through dozens of activities, students prepare to receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
This curriculum uses full-color sacred art, background readings, games, role-plays, and assessment tools that will empower young people — like the Apostles — to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations.
Please see our Religious Education Registration Information page for Sacramental requirements.
Catechesis will take place on Thursday evenings, 5:30-7:00pm. The side doors of the Parish center will be open at 5:15pm.
All needed materials are provided in the classroom, and the children take home their work at regular intervals.
The suggested donation is $50 for one child, $90 for two children, and $120 (total) for three or more children.
If you need payment assistance, please contact the Religious Education Coordinator. No one will be denied for lack of funds.
To register your child(ren), please see our Registration Information page.
If you have any questions regarding the Religious Education program at St. Mary's, please email the Religious Education Coordinator, Crystal Palmer, at cpalmer@stmarykingman.com.