Blog & Pastor Letters

The Christian and Lessons in Honesty

02-13-2022Weekly ReflectionRev. Victor C. Yakubu

Parents can interpret the behaviors of their children. From early childhood, parents can decipher the kind of behavior their children will assume as adults. By watching their kids, they know who will excel in science or the arts. They can guess who is suitable for the Olympics Games, the French Open, or a Nobel Prize award. For some children, parents begin to see a Mother Teresa or a Padre Pio in their actions.

All these and many more are important to understanding the growth behavior pattern of the child. However, there is one necessary aspect parents watch out: Honesty. When a child is trusted in little matters, there is the probability they will be trusted in greater matters. Of all the virtues that children learn while growing up, parents teach their children the value of honesty. I heard this mantra countless times: “Do not lie to me.” But I did a few times.

Honesty is key to adult life. This shapes our character and enriches our behavior. Jesus gives us normal human examples to assist us judge how we behave as Christians. Imagine if you cannot trust someone in little matters, how can you trust that person in greater ones? Trusting that person with major aspects of your life becomes a risky venture. Jesus says, “If, therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth, who will trust you with true wealth? If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give you what is yours?” Does Jesus seem harsh in his analysis of human behavior? Ultimately, he may seem to be, but as humans, we often take precautions so that we don’t repeat the same mistakes with dishonest persons. It is natural to be hesitant when it comes to trusting a friend who failed us a couple of times.

Jesus gives us the punch line. He tells us that no one can serve two masters. It is either you love one and hate the other, or you hate this one and love that other. This may seem complicated to us. But it is simple: You cannot divide your loyalty between two masters. It further means that you cannot serve God and mammon at the same time.

God wants us to have complete loyalty to him as our Creator. He does not want us to divide our attention by serving other deities who deceive us with temporary benefits. The utmost point here is making the true master happy with our abilities because he will pay us with eternal life. Paul tells us that there is only one God, and one mediator between God and ourselves. Jesus is that mediator who reconciles us to the Father. Paul was appointed to preach Jesus to the Gentiles to win them wholly to back to God based on faith and truth, and not lies.

Prophet Amos says it all. When dishonest men and women trample on the poor and the wretched of the earth, God does not forget their dishonesty. For all ages, dishonesty is abominable in the sight of God. As an adult, I remember all the tricks I used to play on my parents. I used to think I was smarter than them. Now I know better. My parents have reminded me of some of those childhood tricks I pulled.

God can promote you in this life when you take honesty as your second skin. If as an adult, you have not learnt your lessons in dishonesty, try changing to honesty. You need to change your attitude and win many laurels for yourself. The bigger picture is clear: To make Heaven, be honest in serving One Master instead of two masters. Divided loyalty is dangerous. Can I trust you on this? Keep praying!