Blog & Pastor Letters

J.B. Wright House Renovation Project

01/13/2023  |  News

St. Mary Kingman is currently working to raise $200,000 to begin renovations on the historic J.B. Wright House and convent.


Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix Statement on Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Decision of the Supreme Court

06/24/2022  |  News

“Every human life, from conception to natural death, no matter the circumstances, is a direct gift from God.


Bishops of the Arizona Catholic Conference Statement On Governor Ducey Signing Bill to Improve Religious Accommodations for Dying Patients

05/03/2022  |  News

For the first time since 2014, Arizona is currently preparing to resume executions in the very near future. Unfortunately, once these executions begin it is likely many more will come in relatively quick succession.
