Blog & Pastor Letters

Why Do We Hate Aging?

by Rev. Victor C. Yakubu  |  09/27/2020  |  From the Parish Administrator’s Desk

When I was young, my grandfather was fond of me. Over time, I got to love him and craved being around him. All we did was talk frivolously and laugh. He would tell me baby stories to keep me happy. And before you ask about my grandmother, she was a bundle of joy as well. She died some years ago at 90. My grandfather has since died at the age of 100.

As our bonding period progressed, I used to ask why he was not as fast enough as I was. He would tell me it was due to his age. I would run away from him and expect him to catch me, but he could not. Later, on as I began to grow older, I started to seek my independence away from him. He would call me, but I would hide. He would send me to do something for him; I would promise to do it but I would not. He would run after me, yet I always ran faster than him and hid. One day, he told me, “When you grow older, you will understand how old people feel about their grandchildren not listening to them.” Now I understand.


Pray for Forgiveness from Above

by Rev. Victor C. Yakubu  |  09/06/2020  |  From the Parish Administrator’s Desk

Freewill is an important gift from God necessary for human existence. Imagine humans without the ability to choose or without the ability to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong: it will be prefab living. God graciously bestows the gift of choice on humans to enable them to make excellent decisions to live happily. If we make a poor choice, we own up to it and become responsible for our wrong choices.


The Cross of Jesus and Persecuted Christians

by Rev. Victor C. Yakubu  |  08/30/2020  |  From the Parish Administrator’s Desk

The year 2014 witnessed greater persecution against Christians around the world. It is not entirely new that Christians are persecuted for their faith but in the past few years, we have seen an upward surge unprecedented in recent history. In 2020, the level of persecution has reached a new high especially in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. According to Open Doors, a US-based agency serving persecuted Christians worldwide, the persecution of Christians doubled in 2013. In its report, it says that Christianity as the largest faith in the world with 2.2 billion followers, which is about 32% of the world population, faces hostility in 111 countries. While there are persistent internal tensions with the second-largest religion, Islam, it fiercely faces restrictions in ultra-conservative countries, which do not favor another state religion. In all, Christians faced persecution that saw the birth of many martyrs simply for their faith as Christians in 2013. This situation prompted the Vatican representative to the United Nations, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, to voice out his concerns to the UN Human Rights Council. According to him, every year over 100,000 Christians is violently killed because of their faith. The rank of those persecuted cuts across all ranks of the Church hierarchy from missing bishops kidnapped nuns, abducted priests too numerous lay followers suffering martyrdom in the hands of their dangerous persecutors.


Help at a Time of Need

by Rev. Victor C. Yakubu  |  06/14/2020  |  From the Parish Administrator’s Desk

A day before I traveled for my vacation, the Knights of Columbus at St. Paul Phoenix gave me a beautiful gift. Would you like to guess what the gift was? If you said a chalice, then you got it right. What better gift can you give the priest than that of a chalice? I love this gift and I will cherish it. The gift is a reminder of my priestly commitment in the service of God’s people. I am sure the knights do the same for many other priests who serve across the United States and beyond.


The Roles of Three Persons in One God

by Rev. Victor C. Yakubu  |  06/07/2020  |  From the Parish Administrator’s Desk

 The teaching of the Church on the Most Holy Trinity is clear. The Trinity is a tripod of three persons in one God. They are not three gods but three persons in one God, undivided in unity and equal in majesty. The history of this teaching goes back to the promulgation of the Council of Nicaea in 325 A. D. when Emperor Constantine called an assembly of bishops and leaders of the Church.

The challenge was posed by the Arian heresy which taught that Jesus was not begotten but caused to exist by the Father and thus possessed the divinity of the Father. The relationship of Jesus to the Father was under serious question as taught by the Arians. The Nicene Creed retained Jesus as begotten by the Father just as we say it today. The Council Fathers agreed that Jesus is equal to the Father and that He was begotten and not made as he existed with the Father right from time immemorial. Other resolutions of the Council are setting the date for Easter, the structure of the episcopate and the formulations of canons to guide church leadership.


Volunteering for our Parish Community

by Rev. Victor C. Yakubu  |  09/08/2019  |  From the Parish Administrator’s Desk

Dear Parishioners,

I greet you in the name of Jesus. This week I am impressed with the work of our parish volunteers.

The first time I arrived at our parish office, I was taken to a section of the St. Mary Center. I saw huge freezers and I began to wonder what purpose they serve in our community. I was told that they belong to Our Daily Bread, a society within our parish that prepares sandwiches for distribution to the needy in our town. I was deeply impressed. For the past three weeks, I have watched how volunteers go in there and spend hours working as a team preparing sandwiches and other Continue

The Men and Women Who Love Jesus

by Rev. Victor C. Yakubu  |  09/01/2019  |  From the Parish Administrator’s Desk

Dear Parishioners,

Peace be with you! The peace I desire for you is the peace that Jesus brings to us at Mass especially at the breaking of bread in the Eucharist. This peace is important toward enhancing our individual lives and our community living.

At St. Mary's, I have seen the zeal in the hearts of men and women for Jesus. I have seen how they approach the sacraments with love and reverence in their hearts knowing that every step brings them closer to Jesus. At the confessional, they approach Jesus for strength to carry on with the journey of life. At the daily celebration of the Eucharist, they never fail to seek Jesus as their bread of life. They know that the Church is a place that connects them with the divine and this is the ultimate joy of serving as a priest.


Move Towards Jesus in the Sacraments

by Rev. Victor C. Yakubu  |  08/25/2019  |  From the Parish Administrator’s Desk

Dear Parishioners,

Peace be with you! The peace I desire for you is the peace that Jesus brings to us at Mass especially at the breaking of bread in the Eucharist. This peace is important toward enhancing our individual lives and our community living.

At St. Mary's, I have seen the zeal in the hearts of men and women for Jesus. I have seen how they approach the sacraments with love and reverence in their hearts knowing that every step brings them closer to Jesus. At the confessional, they approach Jesus for strength to carry on with the journey of life. At the daily celebration of the Eucharist, they never fail to seek Jesus as their bread of life. They know that the Church is a place that connects them with the divine and this is the ultimate joy of serving as a priest.


Living the Parish Life

by Rev. Victor C. Yakubu  |  08/18/2019  |  From the Parish Administrator’s Desk

Dear Parishioners,

Greetings in the name of Jesus. After four weeks, a few things are evident in our parish of St. Mary Roman Catholic Church. The desire for the Eucharist remains strong and the attendance at the daily and Sunday Masses show a rise in numbers. This is a testimony to our faith as Catholics. We are encouraged by your presence at every liturgical celebration.

In addition to the attendance at every liturgical celebration, I have noticed an improved participation in the singing from the congregation. The hymnals in the pews are useful in assisting congregants sing and I am impressed with the enthusiasm to praise God. More so, the choir gives us familiar songs in familiar tunes which help the congregants to participate.
